Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yoga technique to tone your ab muscles

This is one of the easiest yoga postures to tone your abdominal muscles and reduce fat around the belly area.If this yoga exercise is incorporated into your abdomen exercise regimen,it will surely aid getting faster results.However,if you have a stomach disorder it is advisable to consult with your doctor before doing it.

1. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

Place your hands just above your knees, with your fingers on the inside of your thighs, right hand on right thigh, left hand on left thigh.

2. Exhale forcefully through your mouth till your lungs are empty.

Immediately, and without breathing in, use your abdominal muscles to lift your abdomen up and towards your spine as high as you can.

Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Don't breath in yet!

3. Relax your abdominal wall and let everything gently fall back into place, THEN take a slow, deep breath (or two).

That's one round. Do two or three rounds to start. Build up to five or six.

4. As you finish your last round stand fully upright, arms hanging loosely by your sides.

Take a slow, deep breath as you raise your (straight) arms up in front of your body and above your head.

Stretch up as high as you comfortably can and hold your breath for a few seconds.

Feel your abs stretching.

Gently exhale as you slowly and smoothly bring your arms back down to your sides.

Repeat step four a couple of times if you wish.


Unknown said...

Over the last 20 years, the popularity of
yoga therapy has increased from nearly no interest to being one of the most popular exercise regimes around. To match the increasing demand for yoga, more and more yoga centers are opening all the time. For those of us looking for something new, or just starting out for the first time, the choices can be daunting.

Unknown said...

Very clearly you have explained it in your blog to reduce the fat around the belly. I am attending the yoga classes to reduce my fat but your blog also helped me so much. Thanks for this blog.

Wins Honey